Dave Hooper
The Vault - Force of Will
The Classic Force is now within your grasp - learn it here!
"David actually fooled me with his force, it was a joy to be fooled."
- Doc Eason
There are a thousand ways to get a spectator to choose a certain card. Even today, new methods are being brought to light, even as you read this. Yet, one thing has remained constant throughout the years, the pursuit of the perfect force. Dave Hooper has refined his take on the Classic Force for more years than many of us have even considered taking our card magic seriously... And the result is a thing of pure beauty.
"Dave's force is the best I've ever seen. And I've seen many!"
- Harry Robson
After 35 years of being a professional magician, today he reveals his teachings on what some will call the greatest Classic Force, ever.
"He forced the same card on me FIVE times, and it was fair. Every time."
- Chris Ramsay
If you are struggling with the Classic Force or are looking to refine and make it absolutely 100% undetectable and effective, then there is no alternative. The proof is in this video download.
"Dave has made all other forces irrelevant. If you're going to learn the force, this is the best. It blew my F***ing mind!"
- Kieron Lefever
"The additional material with tips and troubleshooting is also valuable, and adds useful insights and ideas beyond the force itself. Thanks to Dave Hooper for sharing his experience with the rest of us!" -Ender's Game Review, Reviewer
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"Learn this force and you will probably need no other. And with this title, you’ll benefit from the teaching and advice of Dave Hooper." -Wayne Kawamoto, Magic.About.com
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"This could very well be THE VERY BEST way to force a card. " -Paul Romhany, *Reviews Vanish Magazine
"Brilliant force taught by a master." -Phil Shaw, MagicSeen Magazine
"Excellent move, well taught. A lot of info in a short time." -The Magic Portal, Reviewer
Full Review
"A benefit to people looking to get into the classic force." -David Kenney, Reviewer
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