Returns conditions
- Unless faulty, all physical products can only be returned for an exchange or credit note (buyers are responsible for return and exchanged item shipping).
- Al digital (ebooks, streaming video, downloads, etc) products are final sale, as they have nothing physical to return.
- Playing cards and DVDs must be returned with shrink wrap fully intact. Faulty DVDs, however, will be replaced with a working version.
- Opened decks of cards can only be returned if there is a printing error.
- Unless the product is faulty, you must pay shipping on returned items. If required, we will reimburse the shipping on faulty items so long as we approve the cost of the shipping before you send it (we will only pay standard shipping costs for faulty items. We will not cover express shipping costs such as UPS).
- All products must be returned, intact, complete with packaging. We reserve the right to refuse the return of products that have been damaged in transit, or where the package has been damaged (including having shipping labels attached directly to the product packaging).
- If the product is not faulty and was sent with free shipping, we will charge you for the actual cost of shipping the product out to you.
- Returns can only be accepted within 30 days of receipt of an item.
- We only accept returns from the original purchaser (i.e. if you sell the product on, we cannot accept a return from your purchaser).
- All sales items (includes but not limited to special promotional items, Blind Box, Mystery Box, Mystery Deck, Santa Sack etc..) are FINAL sale.
- The terms of this guarantee may change at any time.
- Returns will be ship to Suite # 729, 102-15910 Fraser Hwy, Surrey, BC, CANADA, V4N 0X9
- We will not accept any return that is not authorized. Be sure to follow all the steps our customer service give you along with your RMA number.
If you believe your case should be an exception, feel free to contact us so we can work with you for a solution.