Morgan Strebler
On the Edge
4 color shoelaces are displayed, all held together, side-by-side, in one closed fist with the ends of the laces completely visible.
The performer then explains the premise; a "Russian roulette" type effect... 3 of the 4 shoestrings will be grabbed - and PULLED - from the performer's hand, one at a time, until only one string remains in the hand.
After a couple of FREELY SELECTED shoelaces have been stripped from the performer's hand, the performer tells the audience what the hidden "mystery" item is; a RAZOR BLADE.
Tension builds as, one by one, strings are randomly pulled out by different spectators. They with only two remaining the spectator is asked to grab one. Suddenly the performer wildly pulls his fist back, freeing the empty string. Now only one string remains in his hand.
With no funny moves, he opens his fist, revealing A VERY REAL RAZOR BLADE.
No stooges
No forcing
FREE string selection
No difficult sleights
100% SAFE to perform but creates the illusion of extreme danger
Nothing to hide
No Palming
Ends clean
Can be easily, quickly, and inexpensively assembled at home. No "backstage" set up required at all.
Plays on stage or close-up, and can be completely surrounded.
Audience tested and proven.
Inside the box:
4 white shoelace (you will need to dye them into the color of your choice)
2 blades
Online instruction
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We believe in providing only the best materials to our customers and have been doing so for many years without fail. In the unlikely event you face any issues or concerns about the product, shoot us an email here , we will be more than happy to assist you and do whatever it takes to resolve any issues for your satisfaction!
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