How To Get Kinda Famous?
An Open Letter to the Magic community from Zee J Yan
I should be convincing you to buy stuff but instead, I am going to tell you what I think about this topic.
Making money as a magician is something that we all dreamed of.
Not all magicians want to become entertainers of laymen but legacies that will remain in the history of magic.
The sad truth is, only a few of us can achieve that with pure raw talent in magic. Most of us will remain nameless.
The good news is, it is possible to get your name out there even if you don't have groundbreaking new magic materials! You just have to find your niche.
The magic community is just a smaller version in the real world. If you are relatively famous in this small community, then you will feel like a rockstar on the right occasions.
Imagine all these...
Getting instantly recognized as you step into a magic store or a magic convention...
People coming up to you to ask for your autographs...
People buying you beers just so they can talk to you about magic...
New magicians look up to you as an idol...
Achieving all this is not too hard if you know the right method.
I am nowhere near magic celebrity or influencer status, but I have pushed a couple of people to this level of recognition.
Not bragging, but I, too, get recognized almost instantly by fans when I step into any magic stores that I have gone to.
There is a way to achieve this. I already did all the trial and errors and have written down everything I know for you in this small ebook.
I did not spend hours writing this ebook to have information hoarders download it just to "own" it.
People can consume as much content they want but the information will not be knowledge without action.
I want to make this ebook free for everyone but I also want to make sure that people who read this ebook are serious and will take action.
We are all guilty of doing this. We think free stuff is worthless or we skim through a book or fast forward a video and thinking that we learn it all.
The reality is we did not learn anything by fast-forwarding through that magic instructional DVD. We actually need to spend a decent amount of time learning and practicing.
I am not saying this ebook will instantly guarantee you fame, but it is what I can offer you to achieve that goal.
If you are willing to take action and commit to buying and reading this ebook, you already beating 90% of the people.
What are you waiting for?
Stop worrying about what other people think. Be selfish and have your own mind for once. You are delusional if you think your friend will build your fame for you.
You should be asking yourself these:
What do I think?
What do I want?
Take action and work towards your goal today.
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